I wish I could reuse my morning hours. They are definitely my best hours of the day; I am more focused, energized and creative. My mind is also a lot clearer. As the day goes on, it seems I get more stressed with all I have to do and I become a lot slower to accomplish even a small task.
I started the 30 Day Blogging Challenge on November 3rd. I have written 20 posts and so far the challenge has been everything it has promised (thank you Sarah Arrow). But my reality has changed since I signed up, I started to work after being a stay at home Mom for the last 10 years! My routine is in complete chaos. Something’s gotta to give…
Since I am also trying to write a book about my journey, I just don’t know where to find time to do it all. My morning hours were the best to write, now I spend them at work… It has only been 3 weeks, I am still looking for the next best moment to write and take care of my hopes and dreams.
One thing I know, is I have 25 less hours to accomplish all that was on my to-do list per week. I know I need to reevaluate if all is necessary but at this time, I am just overwhelmed and trying to get by one day at a time. All is positive, it is just that my life needs to be rearranged.
Since Christmas is only a few weeks away, I need to gain even more time. This is why I have decided to put this project on hold. I don’t know if I will come back to it but since the main point is to accomplish it in 30 days, I am already off schedule and don’t see how I could make it for another 10 posts.
I have enjoyed this challenge and I have learned many thing that will help me be a better blogger. I will continue blogging at my own pace with a much lighter mind. I thank you all who have followed me and again a special thanks to Sarah for her generosity and very helpful advice.
Today’s lesson; knowing when to let go is important to any journey.
Enjoy the journey 😉