We all need more time

We all need more time

I wish I could reuse my morning hours. They are definitely my best hours of the day; I am more focused, energized and creative. My mind is also a lot clearer. As the day goes on, it seems I get more stressed with all I have to do and I become a lot slower to...
Just like Cinderella

Just like Cinderella

Since I really enjoyed my first experience writing in English, I have decided to do it again! It is wonderful to try something new and want to repeat it. Not every first try is successful nor good for our self-esteem so I am taking advantage of this nice...
Happy Blogger Happy Mother

Happy Blogger Happy Mother

I wanted to try something different today. I decided to write a post in English. I often wondered if writing in the language of Shakespeare would come easy for me or not. So please forgive me in advance if the format, spelling or anything else doesn’t work as it...